
Thursday 15 September 2022

Probate Services, Inc. & Financial Services

Trust Administrator in California

A conservator is a person or organization chosen to protect and manage the personal care or finances, or both, of someone who has been found by a judge or family member to be unable to do so. We help all kinds of conservatees. Many are elderly people, while some are young people with temporary or permanent mental or physical disabilities. 

They come from all walks of life and many cultures. What they have in common is that they are human beings who need help to live the best life possible; as your conservator Angelique and her team has passion in making this possible for all of our clients. Some whom are under conservatorship can no longer shop for food or cook; others need help bathing and dressing. Some need medical care of help cleaning the house. Others can’t drive and need help getting around.

 Some conservatees are isolated and in need of some social activities and contact with others. Still others under conservatorship have a hard time keeping track of their money or remembering to pay their bills. Some give away large sums of money to strangers; others need help managing their investments. As your conservator Angelique and her staff are here for all of these things and much more.


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